OK, I had a bad experience with bikes when I was younger. I was going down a hill and picking up speed when suddenly the “headshake” effect kicked in and my handlebars began wobbling from side to side and went out of control. After I came to, I remember yelling at my sister to ride home and go get mom. Luckily I was riding with my sister that day! I can’t imagine what would have happened if I had been by myself.
That was years ago and water under the bridge. Speaking of bridge, I had to have some bridgework done because they were not able to reattach my teeth that were knocked out in the accident.
But enough about that, already. That bike was of poor quality and probably possessed! We ended up giving it to the neighbors and their kid crashed on it too. I now love biking again. It’s a great form of exercise and it’s a lot of fun. OK, I know it’s January and not perfect weather for bike riding. Plan your summer vacation now to help you ward off the winter chills. Or, head for the beaches where it’s warm. A perfect way to enjoy the beach is a beach cruiser blog. I, myself prefer this model, being the San Diego Charger football fan that I am. Go Bolts!

Of course, that would be the bike my husband would ride because it’s a men’s bike.
Or, since he's really into motorcycles he might prefer this version that looks like a chopper. For myself, I think I’d choose the Urban Pro Lady model. Pink is where it’s at!

Which would you choose? There are so many different models which include a nice variety of styles and colors.
Have fun cruising the beach! Don’t forget to be good to your skin - pack your lip balm and sunscreen!

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